Enlarge Penis Pump Penis Enlargement Vacuum Pump Penis Trainer Cock Dick Pro Extender Male Massager Pump Sex Toys For Men Penis

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Sklep: AliExpress
Cena produktu jest uzależniona od aktualnego kursu dolara i może nieznacznie się różnić.
Szacunkowy czas dostawy: od 10 do 40 dni.

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Secret Opakowanie: In order to protect your privacy, we promise send your products in a secret Opakowanie, without any pictures and words about sex toy, no one knows what parcel inside
Секретный пакет: В целях защиты вашей конфиденциальности мы обещаем отправлять ваши товары в секретной упаковке, без каких-либо картинок и слов о секс игрушке, никто не знает, какая посылка внутр Cecha: Give your restore confidence, self-esteem and enhance your relationships
The pump Zastosowanies air to increase the Rozmiar of your penis
The cylinder is attached to a soft rubber sleeve
Simply place this sleeve over your penis then steadily pump by hand
When the bulb is pumped, air is pulled out of the cylinder, creating a vacuum
This vacuum helps draw more blood into the penis, strengthening the tissue and causing an erection
The vacuum expands the tissue and results in an increase in penis Rozmiar
Easy application allows Zastosowanie in your own home or any private area
All-natural: No medicine, injections or operations
Increase your manhood easily, quickly and painlessly
Clear chamber with measurements so you can see the results
Easy push button purge valve

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